Monday, October 10, 2011

Nice Weekend!

It began like this:

There were no good looking tag sales in the paper this weekend. However the thrift that irked me so much last week was having a 1/2 off everything sale this week! Just to be sure I called and specifically asked if this included the pc stuff (Beloved) and the dolls. I was told yes it did! Of course the floor person said she had not been told that but she let me have my way anyhow.

I feel I scored awesomely on the doll front! I found 2 of these:

Topsy turvy dolls! Both look vintage and one if not both appear to be homemade! I love them!

I also found this blonde beauty:

She is a little souls doll and I believe her name is Nora. I found a picture of her online in her box and now I want to make her an outfit similar to that one. She is just totally precious!

This brunette darling, has highlighter on her face:

She was so pretty though I decided to risk the .50c and see if I can remove it. I also want to make her a dress that is more fitting than the cow designed fur thing she is wearing currently...

The last doll I got I had to have because I simply fell in love with her face:

Isn't she gorgeous? She is a tolly tot doll, I believe she is Tatiana, one of the Disney princesses. I did some research and found that these dolls are the same size as American Girl dolls, only a bit thinnner. Since I have many patterns for clothes for the AG dolls, I will make her some darling things! I really want to cut and make a colonial gown. I got the patterns at Hancocks on Friday, the first time I have actually bought a pattern from a fabric store... I may now be in trouble! I had only ever bought 1 new pattern before and that was at Walmart, to replace one I had got on ebay and worn out...

Here are the patterns I got:

See the costume one?

 It is my desire to dress this way so I plan to make a skirt and blouse out of this and see how it goes. Most of my skirts are about to my ankle anyway as it is so I do not see any difference!

There was 1 I could not get they were out and the sale ends today.
It was  McCall's 6412. I seriously want this pattern!

I also got this darling fabric:

My library also grew:

I got a copy of Knit 1 Kill 2, a knitting mystery by Maggie Sefton. A Crochet mystery called Dead men don't Crochet. A Religion mystery called Murder at the Monk's Table...

I snagged another copy of Christy... I buy it every time I see it. Also a book of quotes from Abraham Lincoln. 

I also found this 3 part series:

I have only read 1 book by the Lacy's and I enjoyed it. It was NOT an easy read. It was called Shiloh Autumn and was about a family during the depression. It seemed that until the end, every time there was a light at the end of their tunnels, something happened and snuffed it out. Hard to read but it was very good.

I also added to my Nativity set collection:

I fell in love with the Babe on this one! It is a painted wooden set. Now to find a place to set it up... I keep my Nativities up all year long, I love them so much. 

Yesterday when the kids came out, Judy and I baked cookies. The kind you can ice and decorate... I actually prefer them uniced, they are not so sickly sweet that way!

Oh and 1 last thing, while Judy and I were out shopping Friday we went into Hobby Lobby and I found an ornament that is... well me... ish...:

I did not buy it but I think I may have to go back and get it...

Hugs y'all, have an awesome week!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Seriously. Wow! You scored quite well there, Dearie. I adore those patterns for the dolls, and that one for the homemaking items. I may have to see if I can't pick me up one of them. And, personally, I wouldn't call those costumes 'costumes', either. To me, they are dresses. Prairie dresses. Swoon!

    Love and hugs to you, as always.
