Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A Tale of 3 boxes!

I have a lovely friend online. Seriously this young lady is too cute. She is wise, funny and pretty. She is also a spitfire on occasion.

Anyway she knows of my love for things prairie, kitchen, sewing and Currier and Ives.

Recently she said I have mailed you 3 boxes. She could just as easily said she had given me 3 wishes, because of what I found in the boxes!

Imagine my surprise Monday when 2 boxes showed up on my door step! They were large and some heavy but I got them into the house and up on the table. Then the waiting began. You see when ever I get something like this I MUST share the opening with my Beloved. It does not matter what it is, good surprises must be shared.

So I waited and waited and... you get the idea.

One of the kitties got tired of waiting and she began to try and open one of the boxes...

Inside I found, bits of everything I love!

There were many Currier and Ives dishes! Despite the creative packing some were broken. However, 5 dinner plates, 2 soup bowls, 4 cereal bowls, 4 berry bowls, 4 salad (I think) plates, 4 saucers and 4 bread plates survived!

There was a prairie cookbook, 2 sewing patterns, 3 skeins of very soft yarn, and 2 pieces of material! 

Just in those 2 boxes!

Today the waiting began again as box #3 arrived. 

Sweet! Today I got a set of 8 C&I tea cups, a large piece of dark blue material, 3 more skeins of yarn and a cute country themed box! I fell in love with the box immediately! One tea cup lost it's handle but other than that no damage!

I see this material becoming a jumper or a skirt in the not to distant future...

Thank you my sweet friend! I am so blessed to have you thinking of me!

hugs y'all!

1 comment:

  1. Awww, that is incredibly sweet ~ and I can't think of a more delightful person to receive it, either.

    I will be anxiously awaiting the results of the fabric and all that yarn!

    Love and hugs!
