Saturday, January 7, 2012

Changing things again...

With Judy having become my live in helper, I have decided to as much as possible turn the sewing room over to her.

I have taken back the breakfast room now that the old stove and gazelle unit are gone. The flooring pile will go back to its previous owner (we have had it for 4 years give or take and not used it... now he needs flooring so we are returning it to him!) The large Raggedy was my gift for Christmas from my friend with the 3 darling little girls. I adore her! She had a big silky ribbon, but I put that ways as it was inviting tug of wars with my kitties...

This is a nice sunny room and my rocker fits just perfectly!
I got this old rocker about 20 years ago. The lady that gave it to me had an oral history of it that went back 90 or so years. So if her history is true, and from the reactions I have seen on the faces of knowledgeable furniture restorers it is, this chair is over 100 years old. This rocker is so comfy. I love to sit in it and read! It is the perfect height for my short legs!

What do you think of my new office??

hugs y'all!


  1. Looks great! I love Raggedy Ann. When Katie was born, that's what I decorated her nursery in. Have I already told you that? Seems like I have...oh well, forgive me for being a repeater! :)

  2. KM I miss you! You guys having fun?
    I think you did tell me, but many folks have told me so it might not have been you!

    The doll the kitty is sleeping on was made specially for me, to look somewhat like me... the doll is way prettier!


  3. A sunny room and an antique rocker sounds just about perfect to me :-)

  4. Bev. often the sun finds me in the rocker with a favorite book, until my kitty decides it is her turn to sit in my lap!
