Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Saying good bye to an old friend.

Saying good bye is never easy. I am a gruff sort and do not like good bye. Sometimes though there comes a point when it is just time to move one. One grows and things change and there is just a logical choice to be made.

That happened to me this week. I had to let go of a friend I have enjoyed for several years:

Yes my 1940's White sewing machine. I just have no real space for a machine that I love looking at but realistically do not see myself ever actually using. So he is moving off to a new home... not too far away and I will be able to visit. He is going to live with my buddy Roxy and her delightful 3 girls.

Moving White out has left me space to open up Kenny and possibly use him now and then:

The whole thing came about because I found this at a yard sale:

Yes a small desk. It fits my new Brother machine (Baby) just fine and gives me extra storage to boot:

This leaves the middle of the sewing room open for a small table on which I can craft, iron and cut fabric. A boon not to have to clutter the dining room up with things my desk does not work well on: 


This table will eventually go into the breakfast room off the kitchen, once we get the bedroom finished and the floor down in the breakfast room.
Another friend left my home last week:

That big empty spot held my desk top pc. Beloved and sons have decided I need a new pc, one built for me with up to date software and brand new parts. The one I had was pieced together of spare parts from various upgrades others have done to their pcs.

Some new babies came to join my doll shelf:

I now have a bride doll. I have wanted a bride doll since I was about 6. There is a handmade jointed rag doll that came with a scroll of instructions on how to make one. She is definitely a vintage doll and the scroll itself is very delicate.(The one on the end in a blue dress) There was another Raggedy Ann. Another handmade rag doll who has a dirty face. I got a passel of clothes for her and she seems sturdy enough to go into my may be played with group.

In the box with the dolls were many quilt items, including some old vintage pieces and patterns. I have not looked through that part closely yet, needing to get my room back in order first.

Well those are the comings and goings of Mel's Home for now!
Hugs y'all!


  1. I understand, it's hard to part with stuff. I love old sewing machines. At least you'll still be able to visit. LOL!

  2. Awwwww, I know saying goodbye is never easy ~ but, how wonderful knowing Mr. White went to a good home and you have visitation rights! Heehee!

    Congratulations on getting a new desktop, Dearie. I imagine your hubby will be building this one, as well, only with new parts and pieces? (I'm married to your hubby's twin when it comes to computers...just so you know.)

    Your new baby dolls are precious ~ Little Dirty Face is just looking for some attention. By the way, I am intrigued to find out what surprises are contained in all that vintage quilting stuff and patterns! Squeeeeeeeeeee!

    I love you, Girl. Hugs and prayers, as always.
